All students are required to wear the College Uniform which consists of the following:
Junior Uniform
- Grey Shirt
- *College Tie (Junior)
- Grey Trousers
- *Grey Jumper with the College Crest
- Black Business Shoes (no boots or runners)
- *College Jacket
Senior Uniform
- White Shirt
- *College Tie (Senior)
- Black Trousers
- *Black Jumper with the College Crest
- Black Business Shoes (no boots or runners)
- *College Jacket
* These items are available only from the College supplier for students of the College.
Supplier: Mrs. P. O’Farrell, Schoolwear, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Phone: 01 846 3512
Uniforms may be collected at the College on 17 August from 10.00 – 12.00.
Our Code of Behaviour states the following in relation to uniform:
“The highest standard of neat dress is required from all students. The uniform is an expression of our group identity. When coming to St. Paul’s, the students do not have the option of setting their own uniform standards. This Policy applies to all our students, on their way to and from school. Failure to comply with the dress code will result in sanctions. The full range of sanctions may be applied.”
The College is happy to co-operate with parents in ensuring that the agreed uniform regulations are complied with. Parents should ensure that students are in full uniform when they leave home. It is not acceptable that students change into uniform as they approach the College or after they arrive.”
We expect students to be in full uniform and be aware that they are representing the school at all times when in uniform.