A welcome from Sean Moran, our Principal

Failte romhaibh. I write this at an exciting stage in the life of our College as we continue a major refurbishment of our facilities – started in 2014 and co-funded by the Department of Education, our Parents’ Association and Board of Management.
Our new website will keep parents and others updated about College activities and include many helpful links to aid students and parents with tips on study skills, subject and further college choices and student care programmes.
At St Paul’s College, we are conscious that our students are citizens of tomorrow. We aim to nurture their academic, cultural and social formation in an atmosphere of mutual respect and shared goals. This learning environment is supported by a wide -ranging and balanced curriculum, relevant to the world in which our students live.
In partnership with our staff, we are fortunate to be supported by an active Parents’ Association and a vibrant and engaged Student Council who are all working together to achieve our combined goals.
The College runs a wide-ranging sports programme, a musical is produced each year in Transition Year and the school choir performs at all school events and in local and national competitions. These, plus a full school tour schedule with expeditions though out Ireland and abroad, form the basis of broad extra-curricular programme. But out loyalty to the Vincentian value of Service means that we also encourage our students to actively participate in community inclusion projects, including the Summer Mission project to Ambo in Ethiopia, in which we are involved for many years.
The College motto is ‘By Your Deeds shall you be Known’. We want our students to be active, engaged participants in their community, their society and their economy as they move forward in the world, and our goal is to support each of them as they become self-motivated and independent young men.
Sean Moran