3rd Year Music in the Classroom and ITMA

3rd Year Music in the Classroom and ITMA

The 3rd year music class visited the National Concert Hall to see the RTE Symphony Orchestra perform Junior Cycle Music...

World Youth Day Fundraiser

World Youth Day Fundraiser

Third Year National Pi Day Quiz

Third Year National Pi Day Quiz

A great day out for our third year maths students today in Santa Sabina for the national pi day quiz....

Stand up awareness & anti bullying week

Stand up awareness & anti bullying week

Last week we celebrated Stand Up Awareness week and anti bullying week. St Paul’s College strive to create a vibrant,...

Junior Hurling Team

Junior Hurling Team

Our junior hurling team played Lucan CBS yesterday in the Dublin C semi-final. They unfortunately lost by two points but...

Mount Temple Cross Country Relays

Mount Temple Cross Country Relays

Great success for our schools relay teams today in Mount Temple relay cross country event. The future is bright for...

Parents Association Quiz

Save the date! The Parents Association Quiz will return this year on December 1st. Further details to follow.

2nd Year Football

2 from 2! Our 2nd year footballers had a hard fought 2-12 to 3-6 win over Colaiste Cois Life of...

Yoga and Wellbeing

Our 6th year students took part in a relaxing and enjoyable yoga session as part of our wellbeing programme in...

Ireland Squads

Congratulations to 3rd year student Billy Hayes and 5th year student Anthony Dodd, on their selection for Irish u15 and...