Kenya 2024

Attention 5th Years Students interested in going to Kenya as part of the VLM Immersion Programme at the beginning of June...

Team Bonding for our Seniors

Our 5th years went zipping through the trees this week @Zipit Forest Adventures  Team Bonding Success 

The Early Bird…

Over 40 students and teachers rocked a walk for mental health at 7:15 yesterday morning!  A great start to their...

Mental Health Walk

Calling all students️ Research shows walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood. So why not join us tomorrow...

DCU Mass

Some St Paul’s representatives attended a Mass in DCU St Pat’s on Thursday last to mark the opening of the academic year. 

2P Litter Pick

At 9am this morning class 2P set out on their litter pick. The boys worked really well together and are...

Parents Association AGM

Our Parents Association AGM takes place tomorrow, Wednesday at 8pm in the college staff room. Any parents who have not been involved...

Inter Schools Chess

Our junior and senior chess kingpins had a great day yesterday competing in the St Andrews Interschools chess competition.

Open Evening – Thank You

Thank you to the huge turnout of parents, guardians and primary school students who visited the college tonight for our...

Vincentian Family Pilgrimage

Our Chaplain, Sr Éibhlís accompanied a group from St Paul’s and St Mary’s, Glasnevin  on the Vincentian Family Pilgrimage to...